Friday 28 June 2013

Left Hand - Sawtooth Ale

A bit of a bummer today for my own little world of beer that one of my favourite beer shops, getrænkeland has closed down. So long easy access to personal favourites Scherlenka, Dithmarscher and a great loss to me Weltenburger Kloster..we'll meet again. I don't know why they closed, but I always thought the location of the shop was wrong.

Ahhh well, hopefully a good beer to cheer the mood. Part two of an American four  in a row with another brewery I have not encountered before like a whole load of others. Years late to the American craft brewing revolution until a couple of years ago as I was very UK-DK and euro zone-centric in my choice of beer. One day a friend came to visit bringing with him some Alesmith which certainly opened my eyes. On to the beer....

Malt, caramel and faintly hoppy on the pour.

Sawtooth Ale pours clear copper amber with a medium creamy white head. Malt, caramel and hops again along with some spice on the sweet intake while the finish is a low to medium bitter sweet. Quite a weird aftertaste which I can only described as toffee/butterscotch coated grass with a bitter twang ! This has a pleasant slightly creamy mouthfeel.

I'm left pretty undecided by this ale. Was it too sweet ? If it was I did not notice as I fairly quaffed it quick enough, perhaps too quick, bad me. Obviously writing that you can guess this one is very easy to drink, in my case too easy ! I have no problem buying or drinking another which I will do so I can pick out anything I missed first time around..good enough excuse ? 

This scored 5/10 on the ' I've drunk this too quick, what am I gonna do ?' Beerometer

Alc : 5.3%
Where to buy CPH : Kihoskh, Sønder Boulevard 53, Kbh V

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